Quinobequin Quilters Guild
2020 Summer Challenge
The 2020 challenge was:
Resilience! Thank You to our Essential Workers!
Resilience - The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness!
The QQ Summer Quilt Challenge is an opportunity to show your appreciation for those locally who through selfless acts, support, and resilience have made our towns, cities, state, and country safer.
Who is your town hero? First Responders, Supermarket Employees, Healthcare Workers, Postal Workers, Teachers, Town or City Leaders, Neighbors, Clergy?
We hope that this Summer Challenge will inspire you to create a quilt or quilts to honor your home-town’s heroes and essential workers! We could not get through this global crisis without their help and heroic efforts.
Your design can depict any action or characteristic that demonstrates resilience such as, courage, hope, love, joy, singing on a balcony, emergency vehicle, etc. The design and construction is yours to be anything you want it to be - a traditional block, modern, art quilt, pictorial, or mixed media.
Quilt size - 20x20 inches
Hanging sleeve
Read the September Newsletter for information regarding how we will share our quilts virtually in September. After the meeting, please arrange a time to present your quilt to your local hero(es) so that they may display the quilt in a prominent location at their place of employment. Be sure to take a picture if you present the quilt in person.
We also encourage you to collaborate with others QQ members in your community to create a larger wall hanging of multiple squares honoring your town heroes.
Robin J and Judy W
2020 Summer Challenge Co-Chairs
Here is an example made by Judy W: