Quinobequin Quilters Guild
2023 Summer Challenge
​The 2023 challenge was:
What’s on your “bucket list?”
Do you have a “bucket list” of things you would like to accomplish before you “kick the bucket?” Have you been wishing about things you would like to do if/when there’s time? In 2023 we are getting out with renewed spirit and inspiration!
You may dream of ~
travel to a special destination or return to an old one
a colorful garden
“forest bathing” in the great outdoors
more exercise or a new sport
a new pet
any new skill—quilting, piecing, cooking, photography, painting​
Your design can depict anything that represents an item or items on your bucket list or a dream you would like to fulfill. You may use any block style, art quilt, applique, pictorial or mixed media.
Basic requirements:
No smaller than 8” x 8” (64 square inches) and not to exceed 24” x 24” (576 square inches). Any shape is welcome.
It must have a top, batting, backing and be bound.
It can be of mixed media as long as it is comprised of a fabric sandwich (two layers of fabric with batting) as well..
It must be ready to show at our September 12, 2023, meeting.
Embellishments are encouraged!
Bring your quilt to the September 12th meeting by 7:30 PM in an opaque bag with your name pinned to the back of the quilt.
Doreet G
Joanne A
2023 Summer Challenge Co-Coordinators