Quinobequin Quilters Guild

2024 Summer Challenge
Each summer members engage in a friendly competition, creating works inspired by a theme. In May a set of guidelines is provided, and at the September meeting we display the quilts and vote for our favorites. The winners receive a modest gift certificate to a local fabric shop.
The 2024 challenge is:
Let’s Go Crazy!
The 2024 Summer Challenge is to make a small quilt using any crazy quilt block of your choice. There are so many different configurations of crazy quilt blocks available to choose from. Check out Pintangle.com for lots of variations of free crazy quilt blocks. You can feel free to use any crazy quilt block of your choice for this challenge!
​The Rules for this Summer Challenge are that the finished quilt:
Must include at least one crazy quilt block.
Must be equal or less than 575 square inches in area which is equivalent to 24 by 24 inches square. You may also choose other proportions such as:
12 by up to 48 inches,
16 by up to 36 inches,
20 by up to 28 inches.
It must have a top, batting, backing and binding of your choice.
You may use any type of fabric or any combinations of fabrics. It is all up to you, the designer! Just think of all those wonderful fabrics you have in your stash that you could put to good use for this summer challenge! It is also a wonderful opportunity to use some of those amazing stitches available on your sewing machine that you may seldom use. You could even choose to do some hand stitching.
Any and all embellishment is acceptable as is the choice to not add any embellishment and let your fabric choices do all the work. Again, it’s all up to you!! Think how wonderful a group of Summer Challenge crazy quilts would look at our next QQ Quilt Show!!
Bring your completed crazy quilt to the September 10th meeting by 7:30pm in a paper bag with your name pinned to the back of the quilt.
Trish F
2024 Summer Challenge Coordinator

Follow these links to view past summer challenges: